Wells Fargo:

The majority of Hispanic Millennials are children of immigrants, they speak Spanish at home and feel a higher burden of responsibility and desire to succeed. We knew their banking decisions were based on convenience, so our strategy was to own the moments that reinforced it by weaving our messaging into their daily lives.


In the news…

A subtle example companies should strive for

Aguirre said the best ad he’s seen was fromĀ Wells Fargo in 2013. It was simple: A young woman walks into a welcoming home filled with family members, excited about her first paycheck. The young woman and her family speak primarily in English with certain words and phrases in Spanish, which is common in Hispanic and Latino homes across the U.S., Aguirre said.

Little things matter, like the warm feeling of the kitchen in the commercial, which made the home more relatable to the target audience. “It was clever, it was simple … and they hit all of the cultural tones,” Aguirre said.

[Read the full article on NPR.org]